Hey, I'm Nick Cummings and I'm a graphic designer with a focus on advertising. I hold an associate's degree in applied science from Oakland Community College. I currently reside in the Detroit metropolitan area but would be willing to relocate for the right opportunity.

I'll be the first to admit that I lack professional experience in the industry. I feel it's important to be upfront with this information because, as Bill Bernbach put it, "a small admission gains a large acceptance". This being said, I feel that my work sets me apart from many of my colleagues who are also new to the industry. If I've piqued your interest, I encourage you to check out my portfolio using the link on this page.

Who am I?


All pieces in my portfolio were done for school projects and are in no way affiliated with the companies they reference, with the exception of the Cranbrook exhibit design (pg. 13) which was designed as part of an internship for an outside company that the Cranbrook Institute of Science contracts to design and fabricate their exhibits.